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Contributions and Charges

The cost of schooling, including instruction, administration and establishment and maintenance of buildings are met by government funding. The Education Act 1999 allows government school budgets to be supplemented by local fundraising and prescribed contributions and charges to further enhance the learning experiences of children.


Parents and carers are being asked to pay $50 per child at Southern Grove Primary School.


Voluntary Contributions

The quality of our teaching and learning program will be maximised when each family makes its contribution to the cost of supplementing funding gained from other sources, including the State and Commonwealth Governments.


It is vital that the parent community support our aim to provide a wide range of high quality teaching and learning resources for our students.


Payment Methods for Contributions

Southern Grove Primary School provides a number of options to assist parents when making their voluntary contribution.

Option 1: Payment can be made when paying for the Student Requirement List.

Option 2: A single contribution of $50 (can be paid at the school office or by bank transfer).

Option 3: Two payments, each of $25 made in the first week of each semester.

Option 4: Four equal contributions, each of $12.50 made in the first week of each term.


The school accepts the following methods of payment for contributions, excursions/incursions and charges:

  • EFTPOS facilities available

  • Compass Pay

  • Direct debit via internet banking
    Bank: Commonwealth
    BSB: 066040
    Acct: 19901404
    Reference: Student Surname, initial and room number

  • Cash/cheques – paid at the front office in a clearly labelled, sealed envelope.
    Please note, the office does not carry change


Note: Cash cannot be given to the classroom teacher at any time


34 Lockway St, Southern River W.A 6110


08 9234 7700



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