Communication with Parents
Southern Grove Primary School website
Our school website is the gateway to a wealth of information about our school. The website is updated regularly with the latest news and events. We encourage our families to visit the website regularly.
Compass is an online portal used to communicate with parents. When logged into Compass parents are able to see information specific to their own child/ren such as:
Classroom notices
Admin communication
Online learning documentation
Absentee and teacher email information
Follow this link to download a PDF of the Compass 'Parent Guide' booklet
Southern Grove Primary School Facebook page
Are you on Facebook? We encourage you to like and follow the school Facebook page to ensure you are kept up to date with what is happening at Southern Grove. We publish stories and information about the school on a regular basis. We also encourage parents to interact with our Facebook page regularly.
News and Events
News and events are published regularly via Compass and our school Facebook page.
At times parents will be sent information via email. It is important that the school has your up to date email address at all times.
Relevant communication will be sent to parents as required. A copy of these newsletters can be found on the school website.
08 9234 7700