Bec Burns
Hello! I am Bec Burns, Principal of Southern Grove Primary School and am extremely proud to be a part of this amazing school community.
I became a teacher because I wanted to make a difference in the lives of children and I believe I get this great opportunity every day at Southern Grove Primary School. My job is to ensure every student finds success and it is through the partnership and efforts of parents, staff and students that we can make this happen.
My educational career has included 19 years of classroom teaching and 16 years in educational leadership. My favourite part of the day is engaging with the students in their learning and supporting my staff in their teaching. I am lucky to be the mum of two teenage sons and they were the driving force behind my decision to become a principal.
I wanted the opportunity to create a learning environment where every student is valued, every student is engaged and every student can experience success. I feel privileged to be able to do a job I love every day!